
This webpage is about my service activities. It is divided in two parts: service to the field and service to my departments. For details, see my CV.

Service to the Field

One of my major contributions was writing and maintaining the software and databases that were the Rutgers Optimality Archive - the main repository of work on Optimality Theory. The ROA used my software from 2000-2011.

Another major contribution was editing the Cambridge Handbook of Phonology, which consists of chapters on many aspects of phonological theory. You can read more about it and search its text here:


▪ I have reviewed articles for many journals, including Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Phonology, Journal of the International Phonetics Association, Lingua, Linguistic Inquiry, Zygon: Journal of religion and science.

▪I have reviewed books for Cambridge University Press, Blackwells, and John Benjamins.

▪I have reviewed grant proposals for the National Science Foundation, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the European Research Council.

▪I have served on the editorial board of Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, and an associate of Brain and Behavioral Sciences

Service to my departments


▪Phonology and Field Research Lab

I established the Phonology and Field Research Laboratory at Rutgers University in 2004.


▪Undergraduate Director (Rutgers)

I was director of undergraduate program of the linguistics department at Rutgers from 2008 to 2011.


▪Director of the MPhil in Linguistics Programme (Cambridge)

In AY 2003 I was director of the Cambridge linguistics department's MPhil program. I oversaw major changes to the MPhil program, and coordinated 20 graduate students.


▪Newsletters and working papers

I believe it is essential to create a sense of community in departments in order to maximize research productivity. To that end I established the Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics series to showcase the work of graduate students at Cambridge, and the Linguistics department newsletter at Rutgers University.


▪ Other contributions

For other service contributions, please see my CV.